ANNOUNCEMENT (Read carefully)
List of Mevlana incoming students (Click here)
List of Mevlana incoming academic staff (Click here)
Announcement for Mevlana Exchange Program Fall Semester Students
Course registration dates are between 05-09 September 2016
All incoming students must complete registration procedures at the related Faculty Registrar’s Office. All Faculty Registrar’s Offices are located in the Faculty Buildings in Degirmenalti Campus are authorised for your enrolment issues. Students should complete the document provided in the link here and e-mail a copy to mevlana@nku.edu.tr. They should also present a hard copy to office of Mevlana Exchange Program for enrolment process. Without filed form registration process cannot be completed.
Students will not be guided or escorted to the university at their arrival to Ataturk International Airport (İstanbul). Public transportation may be used to arrive to Tekirdag. Direction guide will be supplied via e-mail.
Incoming students are responsible to arrange their own accomodation. Namık Kemal University has no responsiblity in the matter. If possible, available accomodations at student housing will be announced through our Office.
In case you have not yet posted original protocol to Mevlana Exchange Program Bureau, please submit three original signed copies of it to the office (Degirmenalti Campus, Rectorate Building, floor 2).
All students are obliged to have a health insurance valid in Turkey prior to their arrival.